2019.09.10 | MATERIA ET LOCIS | Galleria Celeste, Vicenza | Solo + Guest curator | IT | PR Release
2015.03.04 | P O S I T I O N S | Van Kranedonk Gallery, Te Hague | NL | PR Release
2014.07.08.09 | YOU THEM US | photoQ bookshop, Amsterdam | Solo + Guest curator | NL | PR Release
2014.05 | WASTING MYTHOLOGY: case study Eleusis| Sijthoff, Leiden | Solo + Guest curator | NL | PR Release
2013. | FREEDOMLAND | caSla Architecture centre, Almere | Solo | NL | PR Release NL | Video
2011.01.02.03 | FREEDOMLAND: the new Atlantis | Agora theater, Lelystad | NL
2020.06 | #wechosereuse Buitenplaats | Rotterdam | NL
2018.11 | Giacimenti Urbani il festival | Milan | IT
2018.11 | ARCHEDA Utilitas | Mostra D’Oltremare | Napoli | Milan | IT
2018.03 | Miniere Urbane | with Giacimenti Urbani | ‘Fà la cosa giusta’ FAIR | Milan | IT
2017.10 | MFW International Short Film Festival | Bali | INDO
2016.05 | Exodus | with Young Blood Initiative | Corridor Project Space | Amsterdam | NL
2015.12 2016.01.02.03 | Adventures in the countryside | FotoMuseum The Hague | NL
2015. | Trash to Treasure Lab by Superuse Studios | UABB Biennale | Shenzhen | CHI
2015.07.08 | Summer again | Van Kranedonk Gallery | Te Hague | NL
2015.05.06.07 | Workplace for the new World | Monnik at Bureau Europa, Maastricht | NL
2015.04.05 | 3 collectionneurs, autrement | Gallery Ete 78, Bruxelles | BE
2014.11.12 2015.01 | Almost winter | Van Kranedonk Gallery | Te Hague | NL
2014.07.08.09 | Wenn wir dich nicht sehen | Huize Frankendael | Amsterdam | NL
2014. | Light! | Municipal Museum Den Haag | NL
2013. | Volume project: beyond architecture | UABB Biennale | Shenzhen | CHI
2013.10 | The international experimental cinema exposition | Denver | USA
2013.04.05.06 | UNITED WE | Stroom, Te Hague | NL
2012.11.12 | The good cause. Architecture of Peace | Assistant curator for Archis Platform | Kigali | RW
2012.09.10.11 | Stay Foreign. Exhibition #1 | Slaakhuis | Duo with Müge Ylmaz | Rotterdam | NL
2011.10 | The floating spirit of Frank van Klingeren | AFFR Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam | NL
2011 until 2016 | Permanent exhibition Museum Nieuw Land | Hd video | Lelystad | NL
2010.09 | The floating spirit of Frank van Klingeren | Villa Ockenburg | Te Hague | NL
2010.06.07 | Freedomland: work in progress | Royal academy of arts | Te Hague | NL
2010.04 | The control room | Beaumontpublic gallery | Assistant curator for Archis Platform | LUX
2009.11.12 | 13 Km 2: DocuDenHaag | NutsHuis | Te Hague | NL
2008.01.02.03 | Printemps a Grand Bijgard | by ZUS | Triennale | Milan | IT
2007.12 | Huur commisie jaarboek | Municipality Building | Te Hague | NL
2004.06 | The Dressmachine meet Guy Boudin | FOAM | Amsterdam | NL
2021 | Changing Senses of Place: navigating global challenges | Cambridge University Press | ENG
2021 | ECOLOGIES OF INCEPTION – design potentials on a warming planet | Routledge | ENG
2021 | Flourish – Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency | Triarchy Press | ENG
2021 | State-of-the-art strategies for large composite wind turbine blades | Griffith University | ENG
2020 | Blue City Rotterdam | A+U Japan | JP-ENG
2019 | Villa Maggiore press release | Superuse on site | IT/ENG | Monograph
2018 | Hoogwatergeul voor de Ijssel | Blauwdruk | NL | Featured
2017 | Resource Salvation | Mark Gorgolewski by John Wiley & Sons | ENG | Featured
2017 | Facing Value: Radical Perspectives from the Arts | Valiz | ENG | Featured
2017 | The Re-use Atlas: A Designer’s Guide Towards a Circular Economy | RIBA | ENG | Featured
2016 | Balance of the living environment | Dutch Ministry Minienm | NL | Featured
2016 | Rooilijn| Visual essay on Superuse | NL | Featured
2015 | Het Waardevol Jaarboek | book by Van Gansewinkel | NL | Featured
2015 | Costruire a zero rifiuti | by Paola Altamura | IT | Featured
2013 | The science of Play | by Susan G. Solomon | book | ENG | Featured
2013 | The future of architecture | NAI010 | book | ENG | Featured
2013 | RRAAM Rijksstructuurvisie Amsterdam-Almere-Markermeer | Almere/RAAM | NL | Featured
2013 | Eye at a glance | Book by Eye Film Museum | ENG | Featured
2012 | Oosterwold [Masterplan by MDRDRV] | Dutch Ministry of Environment | NL | Featured
2010 | Freedomland: work in progress | Limited ed. 50 Self-published | ENG | Monograph SOLD OUT
2009 | PhotoQ | NL | Featured
2009 | Left behind | Limited ed. 50 Self-published | ENG | Monograph
2007 | Re-public: Towards a new spatial politics| ZUS-NAI | ENG NL | Featured
2019.06 | RE-USE.NAPOLI – Riuso e auto costruzione | Seminar at Le Scalze | Naples | IT
2016.06 | ZERO WASTE BUILDING | Lecture at Casa dell’ Architettura | Rome | IT
2015.11 | NOI VOI LORO | Lecture at SP3 gallery | Treviso | IT
2015.11 | NOI VOI LORO | Seminar at the Dept. of Architecture University of Ferrara | IT
2014.09 | Gaia Project | Lecture at Aisxylia festival | Eleusis | GR
2014.06 | Archis RSVP#17 | Intervention at See you in The Hague, Stroom | NL
2013.09 | FREEDOMLAND | Lecture at caSla Architecture centre | Almere | NL

Born in Vicenza, Italy, in 1977 and a graduate in 2010 of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (NL), Denis Guzzo is a media and communication professional who works independently and on assignment. His growing communication strategy skills empower his quest for positive change.
His passion for landscape found in the Netherlands has been a perfect field to develop through his love of photography and film.
A meticulously detailed form of storytelling characterizes the productions, exhibitions and publications that emerge from his projects, underpinned by extensive research.
Denis has developed experience across multiple genres, from documentaries to corporate films and campaigns, prioritizing collaborations with NGOs, social ventures and pioneers of sustainable solutions. Thanks to this network of innovators and his active participation in environmental projects, he developed a broad knowledge of materials and energy flows. He contributed as a lecturer and supported academic publications worldwide.
Denis Guzzo is also the founder of the platform RE-USE.EU. His work has been exhibited and screened internationally, reaching platforms such as TED, BBC, Deutsche Welle, New York Times; and published in magazines such as A+U, Volume, Icon, Metropolis M; in many books and on book covers.
After 15 years in the Netherlands, Denis lived and worked in Singapore, Tokyo, and Shanghai. He is now based in Jakarta while working internationally. Download Denis Guzzo' s CV 2023.09
Photo by @filipobordin
Denis Guzzo has worked with or for :

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